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Christine's experience with the Wheels of Change: 

"I feel like I had a very productive day. I had a great experience and will do it again. With my $52 I am going to give half to my son. He’s homeless right now but is in a safe place. With the rest I’m going to buy some food. I appreciate the Alpha Project and everything they are doing for me."


Javier's experience with the Wheels of Change Program: 

"First and foremost I would like to thank my Lord and Savior for all the special people he has put in my life who one way or another have been my Guardian Angels. God only knows I’m just blessed that Alpha Project exists and all the special stuff that have took me under their wings, helped and given me positive feedback and are always there for me at the drop of a dime. On a positive note and looking to the future, today’s $52 will help me pay part of my EPA exam I need for my HVAC Certification course I am taking at City College. Thank you all for being such amazing people."


Renee tells of her Wheels of Change Success Story: 

"God worked through the “Wheels of Change” and gave me an opportunity to pay it forward. The Alpha Project has made my whole life turn around getting me off the streets. I now am able to have a hand up in my life when I thought my spirit was broken being homeless living in a car. I now have been given all the tools and resources. I prayed to become a productive part of society again. I am gaining my son’s respect daily. They know I am safe and my needs are taken care of. I can finally be the mom they so much deserve. I told them once I got out of my cast that I’ve been in for 6 months I was going to give 100% to reaching my goals. 

Today I got to clean up the streets of downtown and meet some homeless people that I was only yesterday. I got a “double whammy”, not only did I get a chance to “pay it forward” I am receiving $52 today which is going towards finishing off my Christmas shopping and giving my kids the best Christmas. I promised them after losing their loving brother and my beautiful son Cory. Thank You Wheels of Change and Alpha Project!"


Trent's Wheels of Change Success Story: 

"My experience working for Wheels of Change was gratifying. You get to have some fresh air and communicate amongst other workers. KB was really straight up and that’s how it should be. Great job. My intentions with the $52 is to get a bus pass so I can get around better. It’s hard to get to appointments that are far away without a bus pass. I also need to get basic essentials like deodorant, toothpaste, lotion, socks and underwear. I know it’s not enough for everything but what we get is greatly appreciated. I absolutely thank Alpha Project for the opportunity to right myself and get back on my feet."

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